
Ghana government to increase import duties on transformers

From the 1st of February 2016 the new law « ……….. » will be effective.

Approved by the Ghanaian government, this new act will increase the import duties for electric transformers and energy equipment destined to the Ghanaian market of a 5%.

The intention of the government is to encourage ghanese buyers to buy local and to promote the local manufacture of transformers and electric equipment.

In this optic, Westrafo proved to be a forerunner of the times, investing in Westrafo Ghana Ltd to produce transformers directly in Africa promoting and helping the economy of the country and choosing its workers among the ghanese citizens.

Our choice is now paying off: our products have design and quality european levels but being manufactured in Ghana they can now be well below the market price.

For more information on import duties please consult                     .